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Bucks Herald News

Aylesbury gardening centre set to close with independent businesses facing uncertain future

A gardening centre in Aylesbury is set to close with the other businesses occupying the site facing an uncertain future.

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Bucks Herald News

Manhunt launched to find suspect wanted in connection with rape linked to Tring

A manhunt has been launched to find an individual who is wanted in connection with serious alleged crimes, who has links to Tring.

Bucks Herald News

Bucks Council spent £530k on its empty properties despite growing housing list

Buckinghamshire Council spent over £530,000 in a single year maintaining its empty properties while thousands of people wait for housing in the county, it can be revealed.

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Bucks Herald News

Thames Water boss grilled over ‘inadequate’ Bucks sewage works but refuses to answer

A Thames Water boss has been grilled over the company’s ‘inadequate’ sewage works in Buckinghamshire.

Bucks Herald News

Man dies after collision involving pedestrian and lorry on M40 in Buckinghamshire

A man died as a result of injuries suffered in a collision on the M40 in Buckinghamshire, Thames Valley Police has confirmed.

Bucks Herald News

Man arrested in London on suspicion of throwing contraband into HMP Aylesbury

A man was arrested in London by police officers who believed he was throwing items into HMP Aylesbury.

Bucks Herald News

'Armed police' rush to welfare incident on Aylesbury estate

Residents were warned to avoid an Aylesbury neighbourhood on Saturday (15 February) after a large police operation was spotted in the area.

Bucks Radio: Local News

Florence Nightingale Hospice joins This Is Hospice Care campaign to change perceptions of hospice care

Hospices are urging people to leave gifts in their wills to help support the sector.

Bucks Radio: Local News

Man fined after being caught dumping mattresses at fly-tipping hotspot

A man who was caught on camera dumping two mattresses at a known fly-tipping hotspot in Buckinghamshire has paid the price for his crime after appearing in court.

Bucks Radio: Local News

Frying pans at the ready for Buckingham Pancake Races

Buckingham’s annual Pancake Races return this week! 

Bucks Radio: Local News

Council successfully prosecutes local business for serious failing in health and safety ​

Buckinghamshire Council has successfully prosecuted a garden furniture business whose health and safety failings led to an employee suffering serious head injuries after falling from an unguarded mezzanine floor. 

Bucks Radio: Local News

Man sentenced for drug offences in High Wycombe

A man has been jailed for drug offences in High Wycombe.

Bucks Herald News

Beauty queen wins 'dream' decorated pageant 40 years after mum was crowned champion

Meet the mum and daughter who were both crowned Miss Blackpool - 40 years apart!

Bucks Radio: Local News

Incident at Hastoe Park, Aylesbury

A major police operation took place in Aylesbury today (15/02). There was a heavy police presence in the Hastoe Park area off Elmhurst ring road, which resulted in delays on the roads around town.

Bucks Radio: Local News

Possibly world's oldest Valentine's Card found in Bucks

A card sent to someone at Hartwell House in 1790 has been found at the hotel off the Oxford Road, near Aylesbury.

Bucks Herald News

Going Green: Eating a healthy diet to help save the planet

​“I’m trying to eat a healthy diet, but I want to make sure I don’t eat foods that harm the planet – what are some environmentally friendly options?”

Bucks Herald News

Aylesbury gardening company fined £57k after life-changing warehouse fall

A gardening company based in Aylesbury was ordered to pay a substantial fine after one of its workers suffered a life-changing fall.

Bucks Herald News

CCTV appeal launched after road rage incident involving pole in Tring

Hertfordshire Constabulary has released a CCTV image which is linked to an incident of criminal damage reported in Tring.

Bucks Herald News

Man with sexual assault caution unsuccessfully challenges taxi licence refusal in Bucks court

A man, with a previous caution for sexual assault, has been unsuccessful in his attempts to receive a taxi licence in Buckinghamshire.

Bucks Herald News

Bucks Council falls just short of tax collection target despite rise in bailiff use

Buckinghamshire Council is roughly on track for its council tax collection, the latest figures have shown.